Posts tagged habitat
Implications of a Rapidly Changing World

Change is never easy. With it comes pain and conflict, but it also gives form to opportunity.

Alex and Chris answer the question, "What does the 'rapidly changing world' look like or mean to you?"

[CT] It might seem like there is no point in acting, like the game is set. I don’t see that. What I see is an opportunity for a very young and complex species to come full circle and begin to re-form the sort of relationships that will bolster resilience, that will lead to life persisting at complex levels.

[AH] It’s important to remember that we need this awareness for our own sake, not for the sake of the planet or life itself — those things can take care of themselves. What we face now is an internal crisis, an acknowledgement of systems much bigger than ourselves.

The term Anthropocene suggests that we are powerful, but if we combine this notion with the uncertainty of the implications of our actions across both time and scale, it should remind us how big the world is and how small we truly are.
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